As of Feb. 1st 2017 Google and the Chrome browser are requiring all websites that have login and personal data requirements to be encrypted over SSL (https://). This is the beginning of a larger change coming in the next 2 years that will require all traffic to be transmitted over https. Any site that doesn't adhere to these requirements will be marked as Not Secure with a large red flag.
This is a major change that will require a lot of extra time and resources to be implemented. We have put in place 2 options to be able to provide SSL to all of our clients:
Option 1: Use our shared SSL certificate on a unionactive sub-domain (
We can add a button to the site for people to click to jump to the encryption link (see for example). Or we can automatically redirect all users who come to the main website domain over to the unionactive sub-domain https address (see for example). Option 1 takes users from the main domain to the unionactive sub-domain and shows that in the address bar.
The setup fee is one-time $50 for option 1. No yearly fee to renew.
Option 2: Purchase a managed SSL certificate for the URL through us.
You can purchase an SSL certificate from us for $100 per year. Part of that fee is for the certificate license, and part of that fee is for us to manage the SSL certificate each year. You don't have to do anything, we do all the work to keep the certificate current. Managing includes creating a new request from our servers, processing it through our SSL provider, and then importing the final certificate back to our servers and configuring the website to use the renewed certificate. With Option 2 the main website URL will stay in the address bar and include https. We can automatically redirect all traffic to the https address as part of managing the SSL certificate. Please note SSL certificates are sub-domain specific meaning and would require 2 separate certificate services for both to work with https in the URL.
Option 3: Provide your own SSL certificate.
If you do not want to buy a managed certificate through us, and want to provide your own certificate, there is a $30 fee to manage the certificate each time it expires. This fee is for the same management reasons listed above that we must perform each time you renew your certificate.
If you want to setup SSL for your website contact us to begin the process. Thank you.